

Specialty “Information Systems and Technologies” (bachelor’s degree)

Specialty “Information Systems and Technologies” (bachelor’s degree)

Degree: Academic Bachelor Applied Bachelor

The most common admission exams are:

Russian language Mathematics (profile) – profile subject, at the choice of the university Physics – at the choice of the university Informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT) – at the choice of the university


Conditions of admissionFuture professionWhere to goTerms of trainingDisciplines included in the course of studyAcquired skillsJob prospectsBenefits of studying in a master’s degree

Innovative professions that involve work in the information field are booming in popularity. Specialists are in demand at enterprises of various forms of ownership and in any industry, and their main task is to use modern technologies for collecting and processing information. Such fundamentals are taught by the specialty 09.03.02 “Information systems and technologies”.

This popular area of ​​study is chosen by modern youth, who can develop in various fields, from working in the office of any company and ending with creating their own enterprise.

Conditions of admission

The priority task of the course is to train a young specialist who will be able to realize himself in any areas related to computerization, automation, information technology. Here one cannot do without love for the exact sciences, the knowledge of which is tested among applicants. Subjects that applicants take when entering a university to master a bachelor’s program:

mathematics (profile exam),Russian language,physics / informatics and ICT.

Future profession

A graduate with a bachelor’s degree is engaged in research activities in the field of IT. He develops, implements and maintains information systems (IS) and technologies. This presupposes the ability to work with information processes, skillfully select the optimal tools and methods for their customization, production and use. The main areas of application of professional skills are automation of the trading process, software for modern education, computerization of business, production and research organizations.

Where to go

To master the bachelor’s program in the direction of “Information systems and technologies”, you can enter the following educational institutions:

Moscow State Machine-Building University;Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics;Russian New University;Moscow University of Finance and Law (MFLA);Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography.

Training period

For 11th grade graduates, full-time study lasts 4 years. When choosing a mixed, part-time or evening form, it will take 5 years to study.

Disciplines included in the course of study

The future specialist will study the following subjects:

IS tools, modeling and architecture;computer graphics;programming and database technologies;information processing technology;theory of informatics;information and network technologies.

Acquired skills

After completing the training course, each graduate becomes competent in the following issues:

Programming in high-level languages.Development of software associated with various operations carried out with information.Development of software for various purposes.Creation of instructions for the operation of IS.Collecting IP from existing components, supporting its operation and preventing threats to data.Creation of web servers, internet sites.Digital information processing.Organizational activity.

Job prospects by profession

A former undergraduate student will be able to work in any of the industries that are somehow related to the IT sphere. Such specialists are needed in government and commercial organizations. They work in economic and financial institutions. Work can be remote, and if you are highly professional, you can actually get a job not only in a domestic, but also in a foreign company.

The holder of a bachelor’s degree can work:

WEB-administrator;developer and database administrator;specialist in the field of digital video, computer graphics and animation;system analysts and programmers.

On average, in Russia the salary level of a young specialist is 30-40 thousand rubles. But with the skillful use of the knowledge gained and a certain talent, you can get many times more – in the range of 70-100 thousand in domestic currency.

Benefits of studying in a master’s degree

If you continue your studies in the magistracy, then the graduate of the direction opens up wider prospects for self-realization. First of all, a specialist gains valuable practical experience, and the best universities are ready to provide internship at large partner enterprises.

Based on essay on the best hero-achillies- the results of the training, the graduate will be able to count on employment in private firms and government agencies. He also has the opportunity to realize himself in research or teaching.


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