

15 reasons why you should date a barista

You’ll find nothing that can compare with the smell of new coffee each day. Unless, which, this is the smell of fresh coffee existence made by the man or girl you have always wanted. We requested all of our friends at Costa to express 15 main reasons why online dating a barista is always a good idea

1. Offering an Italian heritage

That Italian passion is within our jeans…we mean genetics.

2. We handcraft all our products at Costa

So we are good with the help of our fingers. Adequate stated.

3. We will have a light whiff of Eau de Coffee

You’ll always wake-up smelling the coffee. Practically.

4. …And although we’re thereon subject

You’ll always get an ideal cup of hand-crafted coffee each morning.

5. We are extremely passionate and constantly have actually a spring in our step

Or at the very least, we are highly caffeinated.

6. We are going to always add some sweetness to your life

Especially with all the current different flavoured latte possibilities.

7. Latte art is fun to craft and difficult master

But you’ll also have the <3

8. There ain’t no problem with a little dosage and grind

A Costa dosage and grind check ensures our very own coffee is going to be top notch. Precisely what do you think we intended? Attention outside of the gutter!

9. With so many buyer purchases and things to remember

You can assure we’ll always remember your own birthday celebration

10. We’re a smiley, chatty bunch

So will definitely access it together with your friends and family.

11. We have observed really spilled milk

We cannot commonly cry over it.

12. With various shift habits

we are familiar with becoming flexible.

13. We are constantly truth be told there for a coffee and dessert with you

Especially essential in times of requirement.

14. We are fantastic on per night out once we’re always right up for a supplementary shot

You don’t need to ask united states twice.

15. No matter whether it’s Primo, Medio or Massimo, its what’s inside that matters.

We never think any dimensions suits all.
