

My master thesis #5: CONCLUSION

hi guys and welcome to a brand new video this is the final part part number five of my master thesis is this my thesis called souls pixelated micro City it’s an architectural project which is in South Korea this is going to be the main conclusion for this project alright so I’m just gonna dive right into it but this conclusion I will simply compare three different types of apartments we have type number one which is the high-rise apartments that we often have in in Seoul and then we have also the rather smaller low-rise compact homes which are all squeezed together and then we will compare all of this with my own pixelated Micro City that I described previously in the other videos the most important links you see here are the densities that you have on the right here the numbers so these are people per square kilometers and then the graphics they just show you the proportions that you have as you can see here they’re high-rise buildings are obviously more dense the low-rise out not as dense and then when we take a look at the proportions for my pixel in micro City we see that it seems that I’m using more space for the green space which is also made on purpose but this is this is due to the fact that I’m putting all of the cars underneath so I don’t need altar space for parking areas because everything is just on the ground and also have more public functions in this case and still with the help of interior architecture like I showed you in the previous videos I’m able to have even a higher density here because we are talking here about a 10 million City here this is a city where which is very dense where there’s a high demand in apartments and where space is very very limited so we need to reach even a higher density and still guarantee a minimum of quality of life that we have here especially green spaces are important and you know 350 people per square mile of kilometers this is really a lot just in order to give you an idea how much this really is I don’t know if you’ve seen apartment buildings in Hong Kong you know the very high ones which are very close to each other there the density would be around 400,000 people per square kilometers it’s very close to the density we have in Hong Kong and still we are having so much green space here okay and that’s about it this is my thesis this took me two entire years this was fun actually I love doing this I even went to South Korea last year where I met some professors at the Seoul National University I work together with some great architects that I met there and I even met normal people there that I met so many different people and I asked them so much about Korean culture the way how they live and the problems that they have and I try to incorporate that into my project this is really a project it’s a big project because it has so many scales it has an urban scale an architectural scale and a scale of an interior designer and it even has an historical scalers way I mean it’s based on the history of Seoul as well that I haven’t really spoken so much about my goal here well I want to prove to everyone that interior design is very important I’ve been pushing furnitures around when I was a little child my parents thought that I was crazy well guess what now I’m living from that you know this is my job nowadays the project that was the closest to these theses here was working in my own lab now my lab what’s my lap my lab is my own apartment it’s actually this place here this is where I’ve been experimenting with furniture during the last years and before that I lived in an other apartment which was also very small and I highly recommend you to take a look at my tiny apartment tour which is in another video this is where I shall show you how this apartment works and by experimenting with furniture you know on a real scale on a real human scale this allows me to to actually tell people that it is possible to live in a small space this my apartment here is even smaller than the units that I showed you here my goal here is to say that it is possible to live in a small space is because rents are not getting cheaper in cities I think that we need to learn how to deal with space in a more responsible and a more sustainable way flexibility is so important you can add so many functions to your room by having a clever use of furniture if you have further questions leave them in this section below and I’m gonna try my best to answer them in a future video or maybe in some weeks later and if you have other ideas for future videos just please let me know so thank you very much for watching don’t forget to subscribe to my channel like this video give it a thumbs up share this video and see you guys in my next video bye [Music]