

The Benefits of Data Center Virtualization

When it is about data center operations there’s a lot to consider. There are many aspects that affect business performance and productivity, including physical infrastructure, software abstraction, hardware optimization, and many more.

Virtualization of data centers is one way to simplify things. Virtualization makes it easier for IT administrators to change and manage IT resources at the news moment they need them -something that would not be possible without the technology. This automation not only speeds processes, but also helps ensure that policies are consistently applied and that the correct configurations are employed.

Virtualization is the process of the combination of storage devices, servers and networking equipment to create an environment where multiple IT functions can run on a single server. This lets you optimize server usage and cut the hardware cost. The ability to dynamically allocate resources enhances scalability because it avoids underutilized capacity.

Another benefit of virtualization is the ease with which you can deploy new IT services or applications. Deploying a new virtual machine is a matter of minutes as opposed to the hours or days required to purchase and configure hardware. This flexibility allows businesses to have the ability to quickly adapt to changing market conditions and gain competitive edge.

Nevertheless, IT administrators should keep in mind that a virtualized data center doesn’t come without its risks. For instance, if IT departments aren’t careful when creating new VMs, it could lead to VM sprawl. The excessive use of hardware and resources can lead to performance degradation as well as increased costs and attacks.